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Refrigeration systems for Nuclear

Cap2i designs, manufactures and maintains air and fluid handling solutions that meet the stringent requirements of nuclear safety.

Nuclear power in France

In France, nuclear power plays a major role in electricity generation, providing energy independence and low-cost energy with low greenhouse gas emissions.

Source : GIFEN

nuclear reactors
are spread across the country
70 %
of national electricity
is of nuclear origin
12 g
C02 / kWh recycling
60 times less than coal

They trust us

The importance of the electrical room cooling system

The nuclear industry represents a complex and risky operating cycle, from enrichment to fuel reprocessing, from the production of nuclear energy to the storage of radioactive waste. Equipment safety is therefore fundamental at every level, especially in the electrical rooms that house the control systems essential to the operation of nuclear infrastructures.

A dedicated air-conditioning system

The dedicated design of an air conditioner meeting all the sector's safety requirements will guarantee the smooth operation of electrical premises under extreme conditions. To this end, the air conditioner's environmental qualification will enable it to meet electrical, EMC, temperature, seismic and ageing requirements for a service life of 60 years.

A faulty air-conditioning system

In the event of overheating, breakdowns can occur, leading to events that endanger the nuclear installation, with impacts at all levels and on all scales. Reliable, qualified air and fluid handling solutions are therefore essential to prevent such incidents.

nuclear cycle

The nuclear cycle

Designing equipment critical to nuclear safety

Nuclear cycle infrastructures, from uranium mining to waste treatment, include critical equipment whose failure can have serious consequences. Aware of these challenges, Cap2i puts its expertise at the service of nuclear players to design, manufacture and maintain air and fluid handling solutions that meet the most stringent regulatory requirements, in particular those defined by theASN (Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire).

1. Manufacturing systems that meet stringent requirements

Nuclear safety

Our dedicated air-conditioning systems offer exceptional resistance to extreme environments and an extended service life of over 60 years. Our solutions are perfectly suited to the specific requirements of the nuclear sector, thanks to precise dimensioning.

Extreme temperatures

Qualifications for use limits : Cap2i air and fluid handling solutions are designed to operate at extreme temperatures ranging from -35°C to 60°C.

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Qualifications for use limits : Cap2i meets the most stringent EMC requirements to minimize electromagnetic interference and guarantee reliable operation.

Electrical conditions

Qualifications at operating limits: Cap2i cooling systems continue to operate under the exceptional electrical conditions defined by the RCCE, with extreme variations in voltage, current and frequency.

Accidental events

Cap2i solutions withstand a wide range of catastrophic scenarios, including earthquakes, radiation, tornadoes, snow, wind, explosions and projectiles.

Controlled aging

Durability qualification: Cap2i puts its solutions through various tests (climatic, prolonged operation, vibration) to ensure a service life of up to 60 years.

2. Ensuring traceability through exhaustive document tracking

In terms of both design and manufacturing, Cap2i provides detailed documentation to guarantee the transparency and reliability of its air and fluid handling solutions. The aim is to justify every choice made during the design phase. At the manufacturing stage, the aim is also to prove the qualifications of our specialized operators and the quality of the materials used. This includes the delivery of material certificates, exhaustive supplier documents and specific lists requested by customers (AIP, LOFC etc.). Indeed, during the assembly of Cap2i's various solutions, every action is carried out by qualified operators and then checked by specialized inspectors, so that we remain vigilant. Cap2i is therefore committed to ensuring precise and exhaustive traceability of all its activities of importance to nuclear safety.

3. Certifications and authorizations


ISO 19443 - Quality and nuclear safety
PED - Pressure Equipment Directive
CE - Machinery Directive

for operators

CSQ - Complément Sûreté Qualité
HN1 - Habilitations Nucléaire 1
RP1 - Radioprotection 1

The sector is firmly framed by a series of conformities that must be known and respected in order to maintain nuclear safety. Cap2i adapts to these different requirements and takes into account changes in directives, so that we can always provide a professional, high-quality service. In addition to the general certifications associated with our core business (ISO 9001 - CE standards - PED, etc.), we are in the process of obtaining ISO 19443 certification. Our operators are also safety-trained and authorized to access nuclear sites(HN1, RP1, CSQ authorizations). Finally, our solutions have passed various K3 qualifications (seismic resistance, etc.) as well as environmental qualifications (EMC, functional, etc.).

Our HVAC solutions

With these diverse skills, we are equally capable of meeting routine and complex needs. Ultimately, our solutions are dedicated and customized, designed to be robust, reliable and high-performance.

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